Wheel life 2 min readHolden battens down the hatches as sales head southHolden is hoping a seven year warranty will give the brand the kiss of life. It’s worked wonders for the...
Wheel life 3 min readCar sales on the up and upThe year is only half gone but sales of new cars are already up almost 9 per cent, signalling a return to the good times.
Wheel life 4 min readKia ‘cracks’ top 10 for first timeHelped along by an attractive seven-year warranty and a range of solid, good-looking products, Kia has worked its way into...
Wheel life 2 min readGroundhog day for cash-strapped car industryLike Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day, the car industry keeps reliving the same day over and over again...
Wheel life 2 min readBushfires and bad news for car dealersFather Christmas didn't come to car dealers around the country this year, reports CHRIS RILEY.
Wheel life 2 min readWham bam Triton missing in actionWHAT happened to Triton? The popular Mitsubishi ute came from nowhere to claim third spot on the national sales charts...
Wheel life 2 min readCamry takes a nose diveTOYOTA’S Camry, runaway leader of the medium car sales sector almost since Noah took to four wheels, suffered a huge...
Wheel life 2 min readMotorcycles stuck on struggle street tooThey've got two wheels and are half the price, but Australia's motor bikes are stuck on struggle street with the beleaguered car market, reports CHRIS RILEY.
Wheel life 1 min readCar sales continue their downhill runNEW car sales continued their downward trend in February, with only 87,000 sales, a drop of 9.3 per cent over...
Wheel life 2 min readIt will take a Tsunami to stop themNot many of them are built to go off road anymore, but nothing short of a Tsunami is going to...