
Plans for supersonic 1200km/h train

WE’Ve seen quite a few exotic hypercars emerging from various makers such as McLaren, Devel, Aston Martin and Hennessey — but hold on tight for a quite different travel experience: a hypertrain.

Geely, the Chinese brand that controls Volvo and Lotus, has announced plans to develop a hyperloop-like train capable of supersonic speeds.

A train faster than sound needs to puff along at something like 1230km/h.

The supertrain will use magnetic levitation to eliminate ground friction and vacuum tubes to reduce air resistance, which is the same concept as the hyperloop.

Magnetic levitation, commonly known as ‘maglev,’ is already in use in China.

Geely says it will work with China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (Casic) to develop the train.

The two are already working on several projects including the development of Internet-related technologies for industrial applications.

Geely is providing its expertise in manufacturing and commercial operations, while Casic attends to research and development.

It’s hard to grasp the rapidity of the Chinese car company’s techno development.

Only six years ago its first cars arrived in Australia.

They were the brand’s MK hatches, sold by WA’s respected John Hughes, who on several occasions was the world’s top retailer of Hyundai.

But the Geelys could not be sold in other states or territories because they had no electronic stability control and John Hughes did not import any more.

Geely said its hyperloop project would not only result in a new mode of transport but also help advance other technologies that could be of benefit to the car industry.

In addition to building cars, Geely is also involved in producing low-orbit satellites, vehicle microchips, car networking, and even flying cars.

Last year it bought America’s Terrafugia flying car.

So why not have an (almost) flying train?

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