Retro autos 2 min readGTO muscle car hits 60It's 60 years since the Pontiac GTO started the whole muscle car craze, reports DAVID BURRELL.
Retro autos 2 min readCool Pontiac cream of the cropPontiacs were the cream of the crop in 1963, reports DAVID BURRELL.
Retro autos 1 min readGTO started the whole muscle car thingThe Pontiac GTO is the benchmark by which all muscle cars are measured and will continue to be measured, reports DAVID BURRELL.
Retro autos 2 min readGM paid price for upsizing, not downsizingThere’s no getting away from the fact that 1961 was General Motors' biggest ever year to date, reports DAVID BURRELL.
Retro autos 2 min readGrand Prix got the T-Bird in the endPontiac’s 1962 Grand Prix was GM’s first T-Bird fighter. When Ford unveiled its 1958 four-seat Thunderbird, it left General Motors...
Retro autos 2 min readJim Rockford could really shred rubberWho can forget that great American cop show, The Rockford Files? Star James Garner raced cars when he wasn't cracking jokes on the set, reports DAVID BURRELL.
Retro autos 2 min readOops, daring dream Pontiac was scrapped!GM described its Pontiac Strato-Star as the most daring new design ever displayed. It was later scrapped, reveals DAVID BURRELL.
Retro autos 1 min readShotgun-inspired headlights a trademarkShotgun-inspired full-sized 1963 Pontiacs are universally hailed as the designs that defined the company’s youthful and exuberant image in the...
Retro autos 1 min readSo, what car does David drive?When it comes to cars, I am invariably asked at some stage: “and what car do you own?” Right now...