Memory lane 5 min read1974 and my Chinese takeawayIt’s hard to imagine relations between Australia and China could be any frostier, but IAN CRAWFORD recalls a happier time when our two countries first became friends.
Wheel life 1 min readPicky tech snot foolproofIT’S always good to improve one’s literacy and a new word to learn is ‘capacitance’ – because it’s likely to...
Wheel life 2 min readChinese reckon our cars on the noseDON’T you just love the smell of a new car? Westerners have forever swooned from the leather, plastic, cloth, wood...
Wheel life 1 min readPolestar sets up shop in ChinaWork is underway on Polestar’s new state-of-the-art production plant in Chengdu, China. It’s here the company’s first model, the Polestar...