Test drive 5 min readSubaru XV: No charge for extra performanceWhy pay more for Subaru's hybrid XV when the petrol model is cheaper and goes better? asks CHRIS RILEY.
Charging ahead 1 min readLand Rover gases up DefenderTesting starts this year on a hydrogen-powered version of the iconic Land Rover Defender 4x4.
Wheel life 3 min readHW who? HWM — the unsung hero of British motor racing!Back in the 1950s there was a British car that could be driven in Grands Prix and legally on public roads, reports BILL BUYS.
Wheel life 3 min readJames Dean’s Porsche refuses to stay deadThere wasn't much left of the Porsche actor James Dean died in, but the car's four-speed transaxle survived -- and has just fetched $500,000 Aussie dollars on the US Bring a Trailer auction site, reports BILL BUYS.
Wheel life 1 min readFord fit for a princessWhat would you pay to own one of Princess Di’s early cars, especially if it’s a rather mundane 1981 Ford Escort? asks BILL BUYS.
Listen up 5 min readNeil hits the road to self-discoveryNeil "Mr Have-a-chat" McKenzie has hit the road to cycle 20,000km around Australia on a journey of self-discovery, reports CHRIS RILEY.
Listen up 3 min readOuch! Woman gives birth to decupletsA SOUTH African woman has given birth to 10 babies, breaking the Guinness World Record, reports BILL BUYS
Launch mode 2 min readLook who’s back — Landcruiser 300 SeriesJust when you thought it was safe to go out Toyota has unveiled a new flagship LandCruiser and it is heading our way.
Sport mad 5 min readHey Freddy, I was a St Pats boy too!The Blues' emphatic win over Queensland in State of Origin brings back memories for Mr Sport, BRETT BENNIE -- not all of them pleasant.
Retro autos 2 min readOverlooked EK Holden a diamondThis year marks the 60th diamond anniversary of one of Holden’s most overlooked models, the EK -- reports DAVID BURRELL.